Meeting called to order at 6:41 pm
In attendance: Laura Peacock, David Naples, Jackie Venter, Gord Walter, Ralph Wegner.
Regrets: Alan Sherbinin, Laura Vigar, Bruce Warren
Note: Some of these initiatives are made possible with the financial support of the City of Kelowna.
1. Membership
a. The email account “qrramembership” is no longer needed. Laura will close it.
b. 2024 renewals / membership – renewals to go out August 30th.
2. Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance – decided to go with Under Our Wing. Moved by: Gord Walter. Seconded by: David Naples. Laura and David will coordinate. Laura will provide information to Strong Neighbourhoods.
3. Annual General Meeting (5 mins)
a. Board of Director Recruitment – include in AGM package.
b. Speakers – Secured Reserve Constable Michael Kube (Kelowna RCMP) to speak on community safety and Sandra Follock Deputy Fire Chief, who will discuss emergency preparedness and do a recap of Quail Ridge evacuation / landfill fire. Will ask membership to submit their questions and concerns for speakers to then address in their speeches.
c. Invitations to Strong Neighbourhoods, FireSmart Kelowna (Peter Stantic), Wilden and Clifton Road Residents’ Associations.
d. AGM package will go out 14 days before AGM (August 27th). The Society Act (Section 77) does not specify the need for this to be 14 working days. Package will include: Presidents’ Message, Treasurer’s message, past year’s AGM Minutes, current year’s Proposed Board of Directors, current year’s Interim Financial Statements and past year’s Final Financial Statements.
e. AGM registration desk – Ralph on registrations, David on membership renewals.
f. Summer Challenge update – email went out August 6th. Reminder with AGM package.
g. Will have speaker signage added to AGM signage. Decided against speakers gifts this year. Laura Peacock moved. Ralph Wegner seconded. Ralph, Gord and David will install this temporary signage around Quail Ridge once the package has gone out.
h. Quail Crossing signage – Gord to coordinate with Second City.
4. Projects for 2023/24
a. FireSmart
a) FireSmart Plan – no feedback yet. FireSmart BC stated that they would not be processing applications until the fall, and they will not be due until February 2025 for the 2024 year.
b) Neighbourhood Grant application last Monday of August (August 26th) – Laura working on this.
c) Wildfire Sensors - Dr. Mathieu Bourbonnais, with UBCO’s Centre for Wildfire Coexistence, will notify us when they are installed.
d) Fall Cleanup on Golf Course with BBQ – timing will not work given that FireSmart Plan has not been reviewed yet. Will focus on April clean up.
e) Evacuation route review. Okanagan Golf Course will attend on behalf of GolfBC. Laura will contact GEID.
b. Old bulletin board of Quail Run Drive. After AGM, will investigate with the City or Canada Post about installing others like it at other mail box locations AND replacing this one. Second City is working on providing a quote.
c. Realtor Kit – Gord stated that the project should be abandoned. On average, realtors’ emails are kept private, so targeting individual realtors that tend to work in Quail Ridge virtually impossible. The Quail Crossing signs should help new owners learn about QRRA as well.
5. Next meeting: TBD after AGM.
6. Terminate meeting at: 7:50 pm.