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2024 AGM Minutes




Monday September 9, 2024

Call Meeting to Order


Laura Peacock, President, called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.  Quorum (23) was established with 40 eligible voting members in attendance.  In total, there were 69 people at the event.


Laura thanked Reserve Constable Michael Kube, from the Community Safety Unit of the Kelowna RCMP and Sandra Follock, Deputy Chief of City of Kelowna’s Fire Department, for coming to the meeting to speak to the membership.  Laura also introduced the current Board of Directors and thanked them for all their hard work this year.


1.0 Approval of Agenda

No changes were made to the agenda that was circulated prior to the meeting.


Motion: To approve the Agenda of the Quail Ridge Residents' Association AGM, dated Monday, September 9, 2024, as circulated.  First:  Laura Peacock Seconded: Gord Walter.  Carried.


2. AGM Business


2.1 Minutes of AGM dated September 12, 2023

Motion: To approve the Minutes of the Quail Ridge Residents' Association dated Tuesday, September 12, 2023 as circulated.  First: Laura Peacock. Seconded: David Naples.  Carried. 


2.2 Financial Statements

The Final September 30, 2023 Financial Statements as presented were accepted as the financial position as of September 30, 2023.


Motion: To approve the Treasurer’s Final Financial Statements as prepared by David Naples with total funds as of Sept 30, 2022 equaling $16,046.40 as circulated.  First:  Laura Peacock Seconded: David Naples.  Carried.


The Interim July 31, 2024 Financial Statements as presented were accepted as the financial position as of July 31, 2024.


Motion: To approve the Treasurer’s Interim Financial Statements as prepared by David Naples with total funds as of Sept 1, 2023 equaling $21,457.79 as circulated.  First:  Laura Peacock Seconded: David Naples.  Carried.


Laura noted that with the investment of the contingency funds of $15,002.20 in GICs and the need to bring forward some of the City of Kelowna Neighbourhood Association Affliation Pilot Program (NAAPP) grant of $5000 for next April’s FireSmart clean up day. Laura thanked the City of Kelowna’s Strong Neighbourhoods for this funding, as well as the City of Kelowna assuming the costs associated with the collection from the various stone aggregate garbage bins throughout the community (a savings of $750 per year, approximately).


A member asked what the Board was planning to do with the $15,000 in GICs.  Laura explained that the larger balance was essentially an amount that the original developer had left the community, and to date, the funds were being held to generate interest income and function as a contingency reserve.


Another member asked about the investment structure of the GICs.  David Naples explained that the GICS were in a variety of term lengths, from 100 days up, at vary rates between 3.5% and higher.


2.3 Slate of Directors for 2024/2025

Laura thanked everyone who volunteered this year for the 2024/25 QRRA Board. 


Alan Sherbinin and Ralph Wegner resigned from running for the Board for 2024/25.  Laura also thanked Alan Sherbinin for his many, many years of service to the community and Ralph Wegner for all of his help this year.  Alan and Ralph will be missed.


Six QRRA members (David Naples, Laura Peacock, Gordon Walter, Jackie Venter, Laura Vigar, Bruce Warren) had agreed to be Directors for 2024-2024 prior to the meeting.  No other QRRA members volunteered during the meeting.


Motion: To approve the Slate of Six (6) Directors as presented. First:  Laura Peacock Seconded: Bruce Warren.  Carried.


3.0 Open Session


The open session was dedicated to awarding the FireSmart Summer Challenge winners.


The Board wanted to prove that the community was indeed “a FireSmart Community” in its application for FireSmart Community status with FireSmart Canada.  And while the Board did a great deal of work to restart the Quail Ridge FireSmart program, hold a FireSmart day down at Nesters, and reestablish links with the Okanagan Golf Course and a new community partner, the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Co-existence with Wildfire, we wanted to hear from the community.


To be considered a FireSmart Community, Quail Ridge had to demonstrate it “spent” $2000 (in man hours at $32/hour, in kind donations, actual purchases). 


Independent of all the work the board did, the Summer Challenge entrants, alone, demonstrated an aggregate “spend” over $25,000!


The names were drawn and awarded a $100 gift card from Nesters, another fantastic community partner:


Ron Little on behalf of the work conducted by the people of the Bella Sera strata

Lynn Weger on behalf of the work conducted by the people of the Fiore Del Sol strata, and

Val and Pierre Belcourt.


4.0 Motion to Adjourn the AGM

Motion: To Adjourn the AGM. First:  David Naples Seconded: Ralph Wegner.  Carried.


Adjournment.  The meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm.


5.0 Community Presentations


The community presentations started at 7:40 pm


Reserve Constable Michael Kube, from the Community Safety Unit of the Kelowna RCMP, spoke on community safety in Kelowna.


Sandra Follock, Deputy Chief of City of Kelowna’s Fire Department, spoke on their new Emergency Services program.


See the accompanying pdfs of their presentations.


6.0 Meeting Close and Gifts


Prior to the close of the meeting, 10 “Please Stop Quail Crossing” sign from were handed out to interested members.  The signs are an attempt to politely remind drivers to slow down within the community.


The community presentations concluded at 8:45 PM.



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