PLEASE Keep Off the Golf Course Until It Snows - Message From The Okanagan Golf Course
“Although we do allow everyone access to walk on the golf course cart paths in the off-season, we are asking everyone to PLEASE KEEP OFF THE COURSE until there is snow on the ground.
Our maintenance team is currently spraying fungicide and working on several areas of the course while the weather still permits. We would please ask that no one walks on the golf courses and interferes with the maintenance team.
Once we have a snowfall and our maintenance is limited you are more that welcome to walk on the courses permitted you remain on the cart paths. Please pick up after your dogs.
Thank you for your cooperation. “
General Manager
Parks Master Planning Process … stay tuned
The City will be starting a master planning process to develop a vision and framework to guide Kelowna’s park development into the future. The planning process will have 3 phases that together will all contribute to the development of a comprehensive plan. The phases will begin at an overall ‘city wide’ scale and next reduce its focus downwards into community parks and end at the neighborhood park scale.
The first phase will require public input to help the City set priorities.
Stay tuned. We will forward information as it becomes available so everyone can have a say in developing our neighbourhood parks!
Green Bin Collection
Bi- weekly fall yard waste pickup ends Friday December 31, 2021. Collection resumes March 1, 2022.
2040 Transportation Master Plan
The draft 2040 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) questionnaire closed on October 24th. We will report out on the results when they become available. See: Transportation Master Plan | City of Kelowna
The Master Plan is an interesting read. Some of the suggested changes that could impact our area include:
- Multi-use pathway connections between UBCO campus and Quail Ridge residential and commercial areas
- Improved transit service from Downtown to UBCO (Route 6) throughout the day instead of only during peak hours
- Adding dedicated transit lanes along Highway 97 to create a fast reliable transit corridor from the bridge to UBCO. Adding dedicated transit lanes would also protect space for potential future conversion to light rail or other type of transit. It is anticipated the project will be part of the next phase of the Provincial Central Okanagan Planning Study
- Completion of Hollywood Road from McCurdy Road to John Hindle Drive and the first phase of extending Rutland Road from Old Vernon Road north to the airport. This extension will ultimately connect to an extension of John Hindle Drive using the existing highway overpass, in effect, creating an interchange at John Hindle. This will take pressure off Highway 97 and help delay the need for an expensive interchange at Airport Way.
Many of these suggestions tie into the Okanagan Gateway Transportation Study (2020) that focuses on our area, its surrounding industrial lands, UBCO, the Kelowna International Airport and linkages to the Okanagan Rail Trail. It is expected that roughly one in five new jobs over the next twenty years will be located in this Gateway area. Because of this growth and the growth at UBCO, the amount of travel to and from our area is expected to increase 65 per cent by 2040.
Glenmore Landfill Has Products To Give Your Garden A Boost
While at the landfill, pick up some compost to help bed down your garden and flower plots for the winter. OgoGrow and GlenGrow are locally made and available for purchase at the landfill. Both are Class A composts: OgoGrow is more nutrient rich while GlenGrow is certified organic.
Let the City Know Your Thoughts …
The City’s Zoning Bylaw is in the process of being updated alongside the 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP). Let the City know your thoughts by November 12th. See:
The Zoning Bylaw last major update was 1998. The final version of the new Bylaw is expected to be completed in early 2022. The Zoning Bylaw regulates how land, buildings and other structures can be used. It works with the OCP to provide the high-level strategic direction and the specific regulatory requirements necessary to plan for our city’s future.
Fines for Attracting Wildlife
As the city continues to grow, interactions between residents and wildlife are becoming more common. Not only does this increase the probability of wildlife becoming habituated (and possibly euthanized), homeowners can now be fined.
City Council has just approved an amendment to the Solid Waste Management Bylaw, allowing for Bylaw officers to educate and/or issue a $150 fine to homeowners for attracting wildlife with garbage, bird feeders, compost, etc. The Central Okanagan Regional District recently approved a similar amendment and is pilot testing wildlife resistant garbage carts for possible future use.
Please, keep garbage cans inside until your garbage pick-up day. Remove any rotting fruit from your trees and secure your compost to keep rats and racoons away as well.
Thank you!
Snowbird Safety Tip
As travel restrictions ease, many of us are planning on heading South for the winter.
To safeguard yourself if you are away for an extended period of time, have someone pick up your mail from your mailbox (if you have one). We are nearing the “income tax time” of the year and thieves target mailboxes looking for personal information such as T slips etc.
Remember, be vigilant and lock up and report all incidents to the police.
Snow Season Reminder
In advance of our first snow, please remember to move your vehicles off the road to help the snow plows do their job.
Quail Ridge Boulevard is designated Priority One which means the roads are cleared within 8 hours of snowfall; Capistrano, Quail Run and Country Club are designated Priority Two, which means clearing within 12 hours. See:
Residents are reminded that under City bylaws they are responsible for clearing snow from their driveways and the sidewalk fronting their property within 24 hours of snowfall. The City asks that residents not shovel snow onto the roadway.
As well, the Fire Department asks for residents' help removing snow around fire hydrants. Clearing a one-meter radius around fire hydrants saves the Fire Department time locating it during a fire emergency.
If the streets are in desperate need of plowing, just call the Civic Operations line at 250-469-8600 and they will come out and plow.
Local Development
Two key individuals serving our community, Stephen Shmidt, Nester's Manager, and Karen Liscia, Nester’s Assistant Manager, have both retired. We’d like to thank both of them for being such good neighbours and for supporting our community through their contributions to our events such as the FireSmart BBQ.
Their dedication to our community has been greatly appreciated.
We would also like to welcome Carson Holden. Carson is the new manager at Nester’s. We wish him a great experience managing our Nester’s store!
Please, lock up, stay safe and keep an eye on our neighbourhood and have a safe Halloween!
Report any suspicious activity to the Kelowna RCMP at 250-762-3300
