Lock Up and Report Vandals!
Lock up your cars and keep your valuables safe. We have had reports of cars being broken into on Capistrano Drive. We have also had reports of some disturbing vandalism that took place in the Quail Run / Quail Lane area -- a large pile of rocks was put in a resident’s driveway one night and then had their home egged another night.
Please, everyone keep an eye on our neighbourhood and report any suspicious activity to the Kelowna RCMP at 250-762-3300.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
A Message From Okanagan Golf Course - Use of Golf Course Paths - Alert Alert!!
“Although we do allow everyone access to walk on the golf course cart paths in the offseason, we are asking everyone to PLEASE KEEP OFF THE COURSE until there is snow on the ground.
Our maintenance team is currently spraying fungicide and working on several areas of the course while the weather still permits. We would please ask that no one walks on the golf courses and interferes with the maintenance team.
Once we have a snowfall and our maintenance is limited you are more that welcome to walk on the courses permitted you remain on the cart paths.
Thank you for your cooperation. “
General Manager
Congratulations Danae!
Last summer, many of you helped Danae during her fund-raising bottle drive. Danae is a local community member, and two-time provincial champion, for Team BC Wakeboard and was raising money for competition and training.
Danae wanted everyone to know that she won the Jr. Woman's gold medal for the Wake Canada Championships for cable wakeboarding and a silver medal for boat wakeboarding.
Once again, congratulations Danae!!!

Traffic Signal Changes at Highway 97 and Airport Way
New signal timing for this intersection has been implemented to reduce delays turning from Highway 97 onto Airport Way.
Drivers may still experience some delays because signal timing adjustments put highway movement as a priority. The Ministry will continue to monitor this intersection and make adjustments as changing needs and conditions warrant.
2020 Citizen’s Survey
Attached is the Citizen Survey that was conducted for City Council to determine how satisfied the public is with municipal programs and services and understand the impact COVID-19 has had on residents. These findings will inform City Council of citizens’ service priorities and how the City can help the community recover.
The attached results will be compared against other local governments and help Council make decisions regarding planning, budgeting and service improvements.
It’s that time of the year again. Please ensure that your vehicles are off the road to help the snow plows do their job.
Quail Ridge Boulevard is designated Priority One which means the roads are cleared within 8 hours of a snowfall; Capistrano, Quail Run and Country Club are designated Priority Two, which means clearing within 12 hours. See: https://www.kelowna.ca/roads-transportation/roads/snow-removal-ice-control
Residents are reminded that under City bylaws they are responsible for clearing snow from their driveways and the sidewalk fronting their property within 24 hours of snowfall. The City asks that residents not shovel snow onto the roadway.
As well, the Fire Department asks for residents' help removing snow around fire hydrants. Clearing a one-meter radius around fire hydrants saves the Fire Department time locating it during a fire emergency.
Thank you!
Local Development
Please welcome our newest resident at Airport Village: Quail Ridge Dental. Attached is a letter from Dr. Calder and an information brochure about the dentistry.