May 2nd is Neighbourhood Day
As you turn the corner and drive up Quail Run Drive on May 2nd, you might notice some of our neighbours at work celebrating Neighbourhood Day.
Some of the residents in this area of Quail Run Drive have decided to do a Pop Up Art Walk on their driveways to provide some light relief from the COVID pandemic “blues”. There will be no sales…just some lovely artwork to help buoy our spirits. Weather permitting, exhibits can be viewed between 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.
High Visibility and Small Infrastructure Improvements Are Coming
During the winter, your Residents’ Association has been busy working with the City of Kelowna, Fortis and others to have some infrastructure improvements scheduled that all of us will be able to see and enjoy, from new updated signage on the Linear Trails, to a new swing set at Carney Park, to repairs to the fencing as you enter the community. We will keep you informed as these roll out and as other projects are approved.
May 2-8 is Emergency Preparedness Week
The Central Okanagan Emergency program encourages everyone to set aside some time during the week to become better prepared and emergency ready. This time of year, as we all know, summer months means increased risk of wildfires. Other potential emergencies include destructive windstorms, gas leaks, noxious fumes or structure fires that see people evacuated from their homes.
Make a plan. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in an emergency. It will help you and your family know what to do. Get an emergency kit. During an emergency, some basic supplies may be required. All of us may need to get by without power or tap water.
Visit the Regional Emergency program webpage at and click on the ‘Be Prepared’ link for information and links relating to a variety of potential emergencies.
Note that in the event of an emergency and activation of the Central Okanagan Emergency Operation Centre (EOC), the latest information will be available online at and via Facebook ( and Twitter (
Bears Are Back…
The Regional Waste Reduction Office encourages everyone to keep their neighbourhood safe by managing everything that attract bears and other wildlife around your home, including your household garbage. With a warmer spring, Conservation Officers already report that bears are out earlier than normal, with many sightings in neighborhoods throughout the Central Okanagan.
The Regional Waste Reduction Office recommends:
- Store waste and recycling carts inside a shed or garage
- Only put your carts out the morning of pickup, not the night before.
A new initiative is underway whereby various models of bear-resistant garbage carts are being tested in select neighborhoods throughout the region. Depending on the results and how the carts perform for residents and stand up to bear activity, there could be new cart options for residents late this year, and
For more information on deterring bears from your garbage, visit For additional inquiries, visit, email or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250.469.6250. And please report human-wildlife conflicts and sightings of bears, cougars or coyotes in the community to the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1.877.952.7277.
Property Tax Changes and Due Date
Kelowna City Council approved the final 2021 Financial Plan on Monday, April 26. An overall tax demand increase of 4.04 per cent was set. A 4.04 per cent increase means an $85 increase, or approximately $7 per month, for the City portion on an average residential property tax bill in Kelowna. City taxes are only one portion of a property tax bill, which also includes other amounts the City collects on behalf of the Province, the Regional District, school and library levies.
Each year, Council sets the taxation requirement after reviewing the Financial Plan to determine which projects to fund and which projects to defer or cancel, balancing the community’s interest in maintaining existing levels of services while planning for significant infrastructure needs. This year, Council had the added challenge of considering the economic fallouts from the COVID-19 health crisis while adopting a budget that balances setting a reasonable tax rate and delivering services expected by residents and businesses.
Residents will receive their property tax notices in late May. Property taxes are due by July 2 and there is a legislated, non-discretionary penalty of 10 per cent for late payments. Property owners are reminded that the Home Owner Grant program is now provided through the Province of BC. To apply for a retroactive or new grant visit
For more information about the City budget and to view the 2021 Financial Plan, visit .
Other City News
- Several of the City’s major capital projects have started in our area: new bike lanes on Airport Way, new sidewalks to connect Quail Ridge Boulevard to Innovation Way, and starting on May 2nd, paving on the roundabout on John Hindle. Note: all traffic will be detoured.
- Council approved a bylaw change allowing people to ride both private and shared e-scooters on local road as part of the Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Project. Staff will report back by December 2021 with an evaluation of the Bikeshare (Micromobility) Permit Program, with a focus on shared e-scooters.
- Restaurants on Bernard have the go-ahead to expand their outdoor patios to help with current public health restrictions in a safe and meaningful way until the full ‘Meet me on Bernard’ program can be implemented July 1. Restaurants can use parking stalls and the sidewalk furnishing area directly in front of participating businesses.
- To create more physical distance between hikers and bikers, the Apex Trail at Knox Mountain Park will be one-way only until further notice. Park users can use the Apex Trail to travel up the mountain and Knox Mountain Drive to go back down (Knox Mountain Drive remains closed).
- The City has launched a public survey on the future use of Knox Mountain Drive. Knox Mountain Drive is currently closed to vehicles due to COVID-19, while the City assesses its future use parameters. The City is considering whether vehicles should be permitted on the roadway and, if so, under what conditions. Survey responses will be combined with safety analysis, technical road standards, current park usage data and other factors to make a final recommendation to Council by early summer. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize draw to receive one of three The Local Gift Cards, valued at $100, $50 and $50 each. The survey is open until 8 a.m. on Monday, May 31. For more information and to sign up for updates, visit:
- The Kelowna RCMP Detachment’s 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan is included, below. The Plan includes four strategic priorities and a framework of more extensive metrics beyond conventional crime statistics as the sole measure of police effectiveness.
Prevent Auto Crime
With warmer weather, more people are getting outside and safely taking advantage of the fresh air. And as parking lots fill, so too does the potential for theft from and of vehicles.
The RDCO crime prevention program encourages everyone to be proactive to reduce auto crime. Before leaving your vehicle, lock up and ensure valuable items are out of sight or locked in the trunk. Use an immobilizer or steering wheel lock to further deter criminals.
Information on preventing auto crime is available online at the RDCO Crime Prevention program and the ICBC Auto Crime Prevention.
As Summer Approaches, Help Keep the Quail Flume and Eagle View Linear Trails Safe
We have received several emails from concerned residents that have encountered aggressive unleashed dogs while walking the trails. We have also received an email stating that a rattlesnake was seen on one of the trails. Please, keep dogs on their leashes for their and others’ safety.
As well, as the summer progresses, the conditions of these trails can become very dry. Monitoring by the City of Kelowna's Parks Department is difficult because these trails have a number of access points. Help keep these trails open and refrain from smoking on the trails. Report fire, call 911.
If you notice damage or areas in need of repair, send a service request via the City of Kelowna web site, City Services or during normal business hours, call the City Parks Department at 250.71-Parks (250.717.2757).
Report Roadway Disrepair
Now that we are snow free, report any potholes, cracked pavement or walkway disrepair to City of Kelowna's Public Works Yard. Service requests can be made at: or by phone (250-469-8600). Residents who wish to report potholes or other issues on provincially owned highways (Highway 97 and 33), visit and select the “Report a Highway Problem” option on the left-hand side.
Build the QRRA Website’s Photo Gallery!
Do you have some amazing photos of our community? Send in your photos and we will add them to the website gallery.
When you send them in, please tell us:
• Where the photo was taken?
• The date that the photo was taken, and
• If you want your name posted as the donor of the photo?

Please, lock up, stay safe and keep an eye on our neighbourhood.
Report any suspicious activity to the Kelowna RCMP at 250-762-3300.