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Update: December 2020

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

Lock Up!

Last month, we reported that cars were being broken into on Capistrano Drive in late October.

This month, we are reporting 2 break ins in the Siena Terrace Villas on Via Centrale in late November.

Please, lock up, stay safe and keep an eye on our neighbourhood. Report any suspicious activity to the Kelowna RCMP at 250-762-3300.

Shop Local, Eat Local, Spend Local

We are spreading the word to buy … and eat … local.

We are all grateful for our local business at the Airport Village. With the COVID restrictions, buying locally does help support these businesses. In particular, all of the restaurants are having a hard go of it. Most offer take-out and delivery.

Please, if you can, support these local businesses that support the area where we live and play.

Thank you

Parking Violations and Potential Misuse of the Okanagan Golf Course?

We have had a few reports come in from concerned residents about an increase in “out of area” people parking in the area to let their dogs loose on the Okanagan Golf Course.

Now that the golf course is closed, people are again coming from other areas of town to walk their dogs on the course. There are issues with people parking all over the place, but there is also a concern about the use and abuse of the golf course, with dogs running all over it.

The Okanagan Golf Course very much appreciated hearing from us about these issues and while they would love to only see Quail Ridge residents enjoying the courses in the off season, we all agreed that this isn’t something that can be managed.

We would ask that all parking violations such as these be reported to the City of Kelowna at 250-469-8500. This becomes increasingly important when the snow comes.

We would also ask that any vandalism – to the golf course or any of our neighbours – be reported to the RCMP at 250-762-3300.

Finally, the golf course does encourage residents to utilize their paths for walking. Please pick up after your dog. And unfortunately, skating, skiing or tobogganing on the course is not allowed due to the liability.

Airport News

We direct your attention to today’s (December 1st) statement from the Airport Director regarding safe and healthy travel at YLW. See:

Transportation Reviews

Attached is the Road Closure Review of Bernard Avenue and the Regional Transportation Reviews.

The Road Closure Review of Bernard Avenue was undertaken to review the impact on business during the summer of 2020 and brings forward some interesting concepts it hopes to implement in the summer of 2021.

The Regional Transportation Review presents the findings from the 2018 Regional Transportation Survey and 2.5 years of technical studies and consultations on this data to present its transportation priorities and plans for the future.

Click here to see 2020 Bernard Ave - Road Closure Review

Click here to see Final Regional Transportation

Have a safe and COVID free Christmas!


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