Call Meeting to Order
Terry Prechel, President, called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. Quorum was established with 28 in attendance.
1.0 Approval of Agenda
No changes were made to the agenda that was circulated prior to the meeting.
Motion: To approve the Agenda of the Quail Ridge Residents' Association AGM, dated Thursday, October 6, 2022, as circulated. Seconded. Carried.
2. AGM Business
2.1 Minutes of AGM dated October 7, 2021
Motion: To approve the Minutes of the Quail Ridge Residents' Association dated Thursday, October 7, 2021 as circulated. Seconded. Carried.
2.2 Financial Statements
The Interim September 30, 2022 Financial Statements as presented were accepted as the financial position as of September 30, 2022.
Motion: To approve the Treasurer’s Interim Financial Statements as prepared by David Naples with total funds as of Sept 30, 2022 equaling $16,031.29 as circulated. Seconded. Carried.
2.3 Slate of Directors for 2022/2023
Terry Prechel expressed appreciation to last year’s directors and thanked everyone who volunteered this year for the 2022 QRRA Board.
Nine Quail Ridge residents (Arlene Marshinew, Laura Peacock, Linda Payne, Alan Sherbinin, Gordon Walter, David Naples, Gudren Hohenwarter, Carol Anne Rivard, Perry Jacobson) agreed to be Directors for 2022-2023.
Motion: To approve the Slate of Directors as presented. Seconded. Carried.
2.4 New Business: Special Voting Resolution: Proxy Voting
WHEREAS: The intention of the Quail Ridge Residents’ Association (a registered society) is to allow the use of proxy voting at its General Meetings of Members and is proposing a bylaw change to codify that change.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY a 2/3 vote of the Members of the Quail Ridge Residents’ Association, pursuant to sections 23 of the Society Act (BC):
Bylaw 3.15 be amended and replaced with the following:
3.15 Voting by proxy is permitted.
A Motion to accept the 2/3 vote resolution as presented was brought to the floor. Seconded. In Favour 14, Against 14, Abstain 0, Motion Defeated.
3.0 Open Session
Glen Maddess, Chair of the Quail Ridge FireSmart Committee, provided a presentation on FireSmart and activities undertaken within the area.
UBCO provided a presentation on the future plans of the University and how those plans may affect our community
Kelowna mayoral candidates provided brief presentations about their platforms and fielded questions from the audience.
4.0 Motion to Adjourn the AGM
Motion: To Adjourn the AGM. Seconded. Carried.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:23 pm.