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Meeting Minutes November 6th, 2023

Updated: Jun 3

Call to Order: 6:30pm

In attendance:  David Naples, Laura Peacock, Alan Sherbinin, Jackie Venter, Laura Vigar,  Bruce Warren, Ralph Wegner 

Regrets:  Arlene Marshinew, Gord Walter 

1. Update:  Registration of Directors 

Completed. Laura P to show Laura V how to do the registration and we will document the process and add it to Google Drive.

2. Update:  2023 Renewals

David/ Laura P update - 15 left to see if they want to renew; will move away from Google Contact and use basic spreadsheet instead to simply the process.

The Board discussed the idea of raising fees to get directors insurance; Bruce and Laura V to look into cost of director insurance and define by Residence Association; could use cash in bank to pay for first year and then cover with increased fees moving forward. Increase would be with renewal in September 2024 (firesafe, insurance, website update - justifies increase costs). 

3. Projects for 2023/24 

a)      Succession Planning / Google Drive

Succession Planning update: Continuing to put things on Google Drive, documenting processes and projects as they come up; defining roles

Google Drive Update: Laura P update - google not for profit will now charge $30-$50 a month to use so can't afford to do. Not moving forward with this. Will continue to use basic Google.

Laura V had created folders in google drive for qrraexec; Alan to look at google drive and make sure set up and grant access to members (read or edit); Alan to write up procedure for this.

b)      FireSmart  

Jackie Update - will meet with Glen to get update and history; previously,  Jackie, Alan, Glen, David and Laura had a zoom meeting to set out new FireSmart committee.  Jackie has done the 1 hour fire smart video; Jackie to send out information including video and meeting request; Jackie applied for the $500 fire smart grant today. Had set the FireSmart clean up day for May 4 on the grant application.  Possibility to do a neighbourhood grant application for funding for a community BBQ for fire smart.

UBCO contacted Laura P about attending future FireSmart meetings (Laura P and Glen met with UBCO last year) (maybe a partnering opportunity); Laura to reach out to UBCO, the Golf Course, the Landfill, and Larry Watkinson. The next FireSmart meeting with the volunteers will simply be a kick off event to plan / discuss 2024; potential to engage all areas and levels of community. Discussed other ideas to engage community for Fire Prevention (ie cigarette butts being thrown out of cars etc). Tentative date for in person meeting November 27. KF Areospace has said that we can use their classroom facilities.  Look at the Fire Smart BC website and put videos on website that are easier to find. Update with recent evacuation pictures.  

c)      Garage Sale 2024

Alan has completed a procedure document with a timeline and will share with us. Busy time is in Spring to get it going; Alan and his wife like to hand out flyers; talk of charging businesses to place add on flyers. Opportunity to create a committee to run this and divide up the duties; Alan to send out to everyone with a deadline in the Spring to commit to help. Consider competition between Fire Smart (annual clean up day May 4) and Garage Sale (May 27? Alan to pick a date); look up other community associations to get ahead of other neighbourhoods. Bruce suggested to invite Fitz P the Baker to the event, would we need a permit. Potential to put together a food truck and picnic table area; give heads up to neighbours on that dead end. Booths: fire smart and the city one (strong neighbourhood).  Laura to look into whether permits would be needed.  

Looking for someone to chair the event.

d)      Bulletin Boards

Recommendation:  close project.  No City land available for signage.  Plus cost before any potential grant funding would be around $2700.  

Alternative:  update the faded FireSmart signage at entrance to community. 

Laura P to contact FireSmart to get a new sign as the original one is faded and then replace and add a secondary small sign with “See:” on it to direct the community to a website for firesmart information and community information. 

e)      Other Residents’ Associations  

Update: this project was set aside but Gord and Laura P met with a few associations on November 4.

Laura P update - Dave Kettle Valley and Tracey from Clifton Road and Paul from Pandosy (met with Laura P and Gord); no real outcome of meeting with them. Future potential possibly to collaborate with Wilden and McKinley after seeing the outcome of Strong Neighbourhoods pilot.

f)       Pilot program with City – starts in Spring

Laura P update - possibility to present idea for package to include directors insurance; piggyback on City Insurance. Will wait to connect with other associations.

g) New:  IT - Laura P to clean up back end changes that she’d made to the WIX website when investigating Google for Non Profits and then will set Bruce up to review SEO marketing analytics.  Laura P to set Alan and Laura V up on qrraexec.

5. Next meeting:  January 16 2024 6:30-8:30pm at Jackie's house and Virtual Zoom with Laura P.

6. Terminate meeting at: 8:39 pm. 


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